About Us
The Wilmington region has hosted film, television, and commercial productions for over thirty-five years. With its 700+ crew members, ten sound stages, diverse locations, and film-friendly communities, it has been an easy decision for clients to choose the Wilmington region. Through the years, many folks have worked here and the one thing they all have in common is they can’t wait to work here again. Some even move here.
Go ahead and take a little time to browse our website and discover more about the Wilmington region and the benefits of working (and playing) here. Learn how you can add your production to our long list of credits. You will be glad you did.
Who We Are
The Wilmington Regional Film Commission, Inc. is responsible for marketing the unique assets found within southeastern North Carolina to the production industry. Whether you are looking for a small town square, a coastal home, a scenic highway, a gaffer, or a c-stand, we are here to help. Our staff has worked in the industry for many years and has a true working knowledge of how to solve your problems. We speak the same language which makes our clients feel comfortable.
Once you choose our region, the Wilmington Regional Film Commission, Inc. facilitates on-location filmmaking within the region by offering production companies a complete range of pre-production services through a central contact. This office provides information regarding local film procedures, permits, and guidelines, and serves as liaison with government agencies. The Film Commission also serves as a general resource and clearing house for information about the Wilmington area. We can assist with the following services:
- Site location photography
- Location library
- Regional scouting services
- Liaison with federal, state, county, and city agencies
- Logistical information: crew, studio, equipment, stages, and support services.
Prior to beginning filming, the Film Commission will conduct a “round table” discussion regarding the details and logistics of each production. The Film Commission is aware of schedule conflicts or other potential difficulties which may not be known to the production company. The “round table” discussion will also include any permit offices or municipal agencies.
All information regarding guidelines for filming on public property, hiring off-duty personnel, fee schedules, and other City/County involvement is coordinated directly through local permit offices or municipal agencies.
Specific information and permits MUST be coordinated in the early stages of pre-production.
For more information, you may contact the Wilmington Regional Film Commission, Inc.
Johnny Griffin, Director
P (910) 343-3456
F (910) 343-3457